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Front Panel for iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD

Front panel for AAC20-LCD

The iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD hardware version ((iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD, iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD-M, iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD-D) has a front panel equipped with an LCD display, status diodes, and function buttons.

  • The power LED (ON) is on (green) when the controller is running properly.
  • The communication RS485 LED (COM2) is on (orange) for 20 ms after sending each message. If the module receives or sends a lot of messages, this LED can be lit continuously.
  • The communication Ethernet LED (ETH1) is on (orange) for 20 ms after sending each message.
  • The Esc button is an exit key.
  • The Enter key is used to select an element or to move the cursor to the right.
  • The Arrow up key is used to add or subtract elements or for a menu navigation.
  • The Arrow down key is used to add or subtract elements or for a menu navigation.
  • The F1 and F2 are function keys.

To find out more about operating the LCD panel, see the iSMA-B-AAC20 LCD Display User Manual available at

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