A component is the smallest logical and functional unit that requires entering specific data to perform properly.
The component may be, for example, an arithmetic function of adding two numbers, therefore, it requires information about the numbers to be added. These data may be provided, for example, by other components able to read physical universal inputs of a controller, and transfer numeric data to be added.
In various iSMA Tool views the component is presented differently, showing various information, as depicted on the figures below. In the Wire Sheet view the component is shown as a rectangle with a limited amount of data, and in the Property Sheet view it is a table which lists a large amount of data. Some of the slots in the table may be edited directly. More about the Property Sheet view and the Wire Sheet view may be found in the section Standard Views.
The component is the main element of application created in a controller. Therefore the iSMA Tool guarantees a standardized way of issuing commands to components. Regardless of whether the component is shown in the Wire Sheet view, Property Sheet view, or Workspace Tree window, operations are performed on it in the same way.