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I/O Modules - iSMA Configurator - Connecting with the module, reading and saving values

The article describes how to create new projects and how to transfer the saved configuration of iSMA family devices using iSMA Configurator.

View of available functions for reading/writing configuration in iSMA Configurator

The simplest way to communicate with the device is to usea USB-A/miniUSB cable; it can also be done using the Modbus RS485 or TCP as well as BACnet MS/TP or IP protocols. Available options depend on the type of device used.


  • New Configuration

  • Save Configuration

  • Load Configuration

They are used to create, save, and load a new project created with iSMA Configurator. To create a project, use the “Add Device” option (if physical devices cannot be accessed), then select the appropriate devices from the palette or use the “Discover Device” function (if there are physical devices and it is possible to search for them on the network). The project files can be stored on a PC drive and used for future use.

  • Read Module

  • Write Module

  • Load From File

  • Save to File

They are used to read or write settings from the device on which the configuration is created. Read the configuration using “Read Module”, then save the file to the PC disk using “Save To File”. Once this is done, connect to the next device (of the same type), use “Load From File” and then “Write Module”. With these options, the user is able to save time in configuring a large number of devices. Be sure to do everything in the online mode (the option in the upper right corner).

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