The RateOfChange component limits the change of the output slot based on the derivative of the input. The output will change to the value of the input if the input is changed by more than the value of deviation. Smaller changes in the input will leave the output unchanged. Range of values of component can be restricted by setting values in the Off Normal slots.

RateOfChange component
The RateOfChange component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component's status;
Out: the output value counted according to set parameters;
Prev Input: (read-only) output slot presenting the previous state of the In slot;
In: the input value;
Deviation: defines a minimal value that the input needs to change by to force a change in the output;
Off Normal Low: low limit restriction value for the range of values for which the component works; to disable, set 0;
Off Normal High: high limit restriction value for the range of values for which the component works; to disable, set 0.