Numeric Parameters Objects
Each submenu has 8 Analog Value user-defined parameters. Each of the user-defined parameters has the same structure, containing 7 object properties dedicated to different functions and purposes. Each of these objects is described below.
The object contains the current value of the parameter. The default value is 0.
XName (X = [1,8]), Description Property
This object property contains an object description label, which is displayed on the LCD screen. This property is a char string in the range of ASCII characters.
XPriority (X = [1,8]), Property 4201
This objects property contains a value, which determines the parameter priority. The parameter priority determines the sequence of parameters displayed inside the particular submenu. The parameter with the highest priority is displayed as a first parameter in the submenu. The parameter with the lowest priority is displayed as a last parameter in the submenu. If two or more parameters have the same priority, the sequence of displaying is based on the BACnet ID (the ID with the lowest value is displayed as the first one). The default priority for all user-defined parameters is 0.
XStep (X = [1,8]), Step Increment Property
This object property contains a value, which is a step during the parameter value edition. The default value is 0.
XLOW_LIMIT (X = [1,8]), Low Limit Property
This objects property contains the minimum value of the parameter (the minimum value, which can be set locally from the room panel). The default value is 0.
XHIGH_LIMIT (X = [1,8]), High Limit Property
This object property contains the maximum value of the parameter (the maximum value, which can be set locally from the room panel). The default value is 0.
Submenu XConfiguration (X = [1,8])
Active / Out Of Service Property
This submenu object property activates the parameter visibility. If the property is true, the parameter actual value is displayed in the particular submenu with the defined displaying priority. By default, the property is false (the parameter is inactive).
EDITABLE, Property 4200
This submenu object property activates the edition of the parameter value locally from the room panel. If the property is true, the parameter is editable and the user can change its value. By default, the property is false (not editable).
Display Precision, Property 4202
This submenu object property defines the displaying precision. The value ranges from 0 to 3 corresponding to the displaying of decimal places.
Object Units
Each submenu can have units assigned, which can be displayed on the LCD screen. The units are taken from the UNITS object property. The device supports the displaying of the following units: ° C, ° F, Pa, Lx, ppm, m3/h, %RH, L/s, %, h.