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iC SmartView Config User Manual


The iC SmartView Config service for Niagara Framework is dedicated for iSMA CONTROLLI HMI Android panels equipped with the iC SmartView application. The iC SmartView Config service is a Niagara palette of components and extensions that allow for a secure remote configuration of certain elements on the panels. The palette also includes templates, which are specifically predesigned for the 2 series of Android panels: PA-LED and iSMA-D-PA.

The iC SmartView Config service allows to configure the following elements:

  • kiosk mode (switching on and off, setting a new password),

  • screen brightness (setting a new level of brightness),

  • screensaver (switching the screensaver on and off, enabling or disabling screensaver graphics),

and applicable only for the PA-LED panels series:

  • LED lighting (switching the LED lighting on and off, setting a new color of the lighting).

Revision History





3 Dec 2024

First edition

Revision history
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