iSMA_IO - Linear conversion
The article outlines the functioning of the ‘Linear Conversion’, available for ‘UniversalInput’ and ‘AnalogOutput’ components in the ‘iSMA_IO’ module.
The linear conversion scales a numeric value (logical) to a voltage value, which is set to a physical output. The input value of the highest priority is always linearized using valus in the ‘Scale’ and ‘Offset’ slots. The output voltage value is calculated according to the following formula:
y = (x - b) / a
where ‘y' is a physical output value, ‘x’ is a input value of highest priority, ‘a’ is the ‘Scale’ slot ve, and ‘b’ is the 'Offset’ slot value.
For example:

Figure 1. Exemplary configuration of the ‘Linear Conversion’ based on voltage values
In this example, the physical output value is set to 2 V (according to the formula).
Another example is to set the component’s facets as percentage (%):

Figure 2. xemplary configuration of the ‘Linear Conversion’ based on percentage values
In this example, the physical output value is set to 2 V too, however, the ‘Scale’ and ‘Offset’ values are adjusted accordingly to the unit - the ‘Offset’ value is set in percentage, and the ‘Scale’ value is scaled to voltage.
WARNING: The ‘Out’ slot value equals the output value, which means that the ‘Linear Conversion’ is configured properly - in case the values differ, the value calculated based on the input and linear conversion outreaches the 0-10 V range.