LocalIO Driver
Local I/Os in the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller are supported by the iSMA_localIO kit. The iSMA_localIO kit consists of the following components:
localIO driver: main component servicing physical I/Os;
LocalIOConfig: component allowing to configure parameters of physical inputs and outputs of the device;
LocalIOFolder: folder for grouping I/O components;
9 components servicing physical local I/Os:
AODigital: component for servicing analog output in digital mode (false: 0 V, true: 10 V);
AOVoltage: component for servicing analog output in voltage mode;
DI: component for servicing digital inputs;
DICounter: component reading high-speed counters of digital inputs;
DO: component for servicing digital outputs;
UIDigital: component for servicing universal inputs in dry contact mode;
UIResistance: component for servicing universal inputs in resistance mode;
UITemperature: component for servicing universal inputs in temperature mode (in order to get reliable readings, the appropriate temperature sensor type has to be selected in the LocalIOConfig component);
UIVoltage: component for servicing universal inputs in voltage mode (in order to improve readings, the LocalIOConfig component has to be activated for voltage reading).
In order to work properly components of this kit must be placed in a special LocalIOFolder under the localIO driver.
Note: It is recommended to pass the inputs and outputs signals through NV components.

LocalIO driver