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MAC36NL - CleanDist - Distribution cleaning

The article outlines in several steps how to process distribution cleaning to the basic version on iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers. This process requires first following instructions included in the MAC36NL - Distribution Files - Downloading and installation article:

1. Log in to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller’s platform.

2. Go to the ‘Distribution File Installer’.

3. Click the ‘Cleaning’ button.

4. The table appears with a list of available files; select the one for the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller (two others are for cleaning JACE-8000 and Edge 10). Click 'Install'.

Figure 1. ‘dist’ files list for cleaning controllers in Niagara

WARNING: In versions from Niagara 4.4 to 4.8, the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller can be reset to the Niagara 4.4 (cleanDist V1.x). Controllers with Niagara 4.8 and newer can be reset to the Niagara 4.8 (cleanDist V2.x). The cleanDist file version is automatically adjusted.

5. In the pop-up window, the Workplace software warns that the currently working station will be stopped, and, once this information is confirmed with the ‘Finish’ button, it will begin resetting the controller to its basic version and restart it.

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