The CompareExpr component is a comparator object, where various comparator operations are being performed on two float inputs, based on the operator.

CompareExpr component
The CompareExpr component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component's status;
Out: the input value converted to the float;
Operator: the value determining the logical operation for the Out value;
InA-InB: two input values.
Operator | Out Value |
0 (Equal) | out:= (inA == inB) |
1 (NotEqual) | out:= (inA != inB) |
2 (GreaterThan) | out:= (inA > inB) |
3 (GreaterThanEqual) | out:= (inA >= inB) |
4 (LessThan) | out:= (inA < inB) |
5 (LessThanEqual) | out:= (inA <= inB) |