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The MathExpr is a component in which various mathematical and trigonometric operations can be performed on one/two numeric inputs, based on the operator.

MathExpr component


Out Value

0 AbsValue

out:= fabs (in)

1 Add

out := inA + inB

2 ArcCosine

out := acos (in)

3 ArcSine

out := asin (in)

4 ArcTangent

out := atan (in)

5 Cosine

out := cos (in)

6 Divide

out := inA / inB

7 Exponential

out := e ^ in

8 Factorial

out := inA!

9 LogBase10

out := log10 (in)

10 LogNatural

out := ln (in)

11 Modulus

out := inA % inB

12 Multiply

out := inA * inB

13 Negative

out := -in

14 Power

out := inA ^ inB

15 Round

out := round (in)

16 Sine

out := sin (in)

17 SquareRoot

out := sqrt (in)

18 Subtract

out := inA - inB

19 Tangent

out := tan (in)

20 Truncate

out := trunc (in)

MathExpr operators

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