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BACnet Alarm Events

The BACnet data points under the LocalDevice can have defined alarm states. These alarms from BACnet data points can be collected and sent by the NotificationClass component to another BACnet IP device. Sending the alarm events between the devices requires configurating them in both devices: both in the transmitter (iSMA-B-AAC20) and in the receiver (Niagara receiver is used to show the configuration process).

NotificationClass Component

The NotificationClass component is the BACnet object which sends alarms to another BACnet device. As well as all BACnet objects, this object has the BACnet Object ID number which must be unique in the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller. This object defines alarm priority and sends alarm acknowledgement. The BACnet Network in the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller can have up to 10 NotificationClass objects.

To send alarm events, the user must enter the NotificationClass Object ID in all data points.

NotificationClass component

Alarm Events in BACnet Data Points

All alarm statuses and ranges are defined in the BACnet data point. For more information go to the BACnet Local Device Data Points section.

Receive Alarm Events in Niagara

It is possible to receive alarm events after adding all data points to the Niagara database system. NotificationClass in the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller is the main component responsible for sending the alarms to other BACnet IP devices. Receiving the alarm events by the device needs to be preceded by creating an entry in the list of recipients. It should be done by adding the NotificationClass configuration object to the BACnet database. In this object make an entry which contains the BACnet Device ID number (receiver number, in this case Niagara BACnet ID). From now on Niagara as BACnet device is able to receive the alarm event.

BACnet NotificationClass config object in the Property Sheet view

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