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MG-IP - Communication - Problem with points in the Stale state after being discovered by MG-IP


The MG-IP module with M-Bus meters connected communicates with the controller, for example, in Niagara. After discovering of points, all of them are in the Stale state. This status means that the point has not been updated for a prolonged time and its data is outdated. It may occur because of problems with communication such as interruptions or an incorrect connection of the bus.

Possible solutions

  1. Check if communication parameters are compliant between devices.

  2. Restore factory setting on the MG-IP gateway and update the firmware.

  3. Check if the Stale Time parameter is 0. If yes, it is required to set it to a value higher than the slowest polling time. The Stale Time parameter sets time after which the device is read as stale if it does not receive any data update. It is important that this parameter is always higher than any time set in the Polling Rate.


Figure 1. Stale Time


Figure 2. Poll rates

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