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2D - DALI Mode - Description and configuration

The artlicle outlines the functioning of the DALI Control mode in the iSMA-B-2D controller. To start it, set the 6th and 8th CFG DIP switches to off. If the DALI Control mode is switched on, the ON/OFF Control and LLC modes are switched off, and both DALI buses work in the same mode.

1. DALI Control Mode Description

The DALI Control mode allows to control two lighting zones using dedicated Modbus registers and switches connected to digital inputs. Lighting zones can be controlled independently or simultaneously using the same input signals. The algorithm controls lamps connected to the DALI buses basing on the registers' values or switches statuses.

2. Inputs in the DALI Control Mode

The article does not cover the connections of inputs and outputs, which are described in the 2D - Inputs/Outputs - Connecting Input and Output Signals article.

2.1 Special Inputs

Presence/motions sensors (PIR) have to be connected to special inputs. Using the Modbus protocol or the iSMA Configurator software, the user has access to 7 configuration parameters of sensors:

  • SI1_PIR_TYPE and SI2_PIR_TYPE - sets to the type of connected sensors, “5” meaning the NO type (normally open), “6” meaning the NC type (normally closed);

  • SI_1_DELAY_OFF_TIME and SI_2_DELAY_OFF_TIME - sets the time from the last detected motion in the room, after which the lights are switched off;

  • SI1_BLOCKING and SI2_BLOCKING - allows to switch off PIR sensors and their influence on the DALI lamps.

The iSMA-B-2D controller allows for controlling both lighting zones with one PIR sensor; this function is switched on with a particular configuration of the CFG DIP switch. The CFG DIP switch configuration is described in the 2D - Description of the DIP Switch Functions article.

2.2 Digital Inputs

Switches controlling both DALI zones have to be connected to I1 and I2 inputs, which allow to switch on/off the DALI ballasts with a short press or decreasing/increasing lights with a long press. I3 and I4 inputs are not used in the DALI Control mode.

The user can connect monostable and bistable switches, and select their type with a first CFG DIP switch.

3. Functioning of the DALI Control Mode

3.1. Lighting Zones in the DALI Control Mode

The DALI Control mode can control two independent DALI zones with two switches dedicated for each zone, connected to I1 and I2 inputs, and PIR sensors connected to S1 and S2 inputs. The iSMA-B-2D controller also allows for switching the DALI Control mode for each DALI zone separately or for switching it on for two DALI buses with one set of sensors/switches. Also, the user can connect two PIR sensors and only one switch, or otherwise.

3.2 Switches Impact on the Functioning of the iSMA-B-2D Controller Working in the DALI Control Mode

Short press of the switch sends the DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF or DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE request to a proper DALI bus (or both of them). The DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE register’s status determines, which request is sent. In practice, in case of the short press, the algorithm switches the light on/off.

Long press decreases the light, basing on the value of the DALIX_FADE_RATE register, until the press is released or the value set in the DALIX_BALLAST_MIN register is achieved. Another long press results in respective increasing of light until the DALIX_BALLAST_MAX register value or releasing the press.

Warining! In order to switch off the functionality of decreasing/increasing the light, it is required to set the DALIX_CFG_REGISTER value to 0, or in the iSMA Configurator software, in the Switches tab, set the Dimming slot value to On.

3.3 Presence/Motions Sensors Impact on the Functioning of the iSMA-B-2D Controller Working in the DALI Control Mode

The S1 and S2 inputs of the iSMA-B-2D controller allow for connecting presence/motion sensors of normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) types. Sensors configuration is carried out in the SI1_PIR_TYPE and SI2_PIR_TYPE registers or using the iSMA Configurator software.

The iSMA-B-2D controller’s algorithm, in case of not detecting anyone’s presence in the room, in the time set in the SI_X_DELAY_OFF_TIME registers, switches off lights sending the DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF request to a proper DALI bus. The SI1_BLOCKING and SI2_BLOCKING allows for switching off functioning of the PIR sensors and their impact on the DALI lamps.

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