Niagara - Station - Creating
The article outlines how to create a new station in the Niagara Workbench in a few steps.
1. In order to create a new station, select the Tools option in the main menu, and then select the New Station option.
2. Next, in the pop-up window, which appears, insert the name of the station and select its type. Click Next to go to the following step.
3. In the next window, enter the ‘admin' user password, and select one of available options, which describe options for the Niagara Workbench after clicking the Finish button. There are three alternatives to choose from:
a) The first shows the user the location of the station in the Niagara Workbench.
b) The second takes the user to the ‘Platform/Station Copier’.
c) The third closes the ‘Wizard’ and leaves the last window open.

Animation 1. The process of creatins a station