Rest API
The iC SmartView is equipped with the Rest API interface, which provides a remote access to some of application's functions like a screensaver mode, LED bar color configuration, modifying saved connections, or managing screen brightness and inactivity timeout. Rest API, when enabled, is available on the port 5580.
A complete functional documentation of the iC SmartView's Rest API is available in the iC-SmartView_Rest-API.html document. It provides commands in the following programming languages:
Java for Android;

Technical documentation for the iC SmartView Rest API
The Rest API V2.0.0 has the following functionalities:
managing the Kiosk mode;
managing an autostart connection view;
adding, editing, and removing connection views;
enables an HTTP basic authentication;
managing screen brightness and timeout;
playing tunes on a device's speaker;
protection with a configurable username and password;
LED management.
Note: Rest API does not require an additional authentication. Make sure to use the Rest API only on a secured network.