Android Panels - The application does not work correctly
The iSMA Android Application or iC Smart View does not work properly. The symptoms are various, some settings are missing in the app, functions like autologin, kiosk, etc. do not work. When on the app is turned on, only a white screen with no buttons is displayed.
Figure 1. Problem with autologin

Figure 2. Not working application on an unbranded panel
Possible solutions
Correct installation of application
If only some functions of the app are not working properly, check what version of the app is installed on the Android panel. If a newer version of the app is available, upgrade the app to the latest version of iC SmartView.
The first step is to restore the panel to factory settings. If for some reason the access to Android settings is blocked, it is necessary to perform the emergency restore procedure described here: Android Panels - Emergency restore of default settings.
After restoring, install the application according to the instructions in the application manual. Using a USB cable and running the installation script on the PC.
Branding the panel
In a situation where reinstalling the application does not solve the problem, it is likely that the panel has lost its signature and should be rebranded. For branding, please contact Branding can only be done by an iSMA Controlli S.p.A. employee.