Installation of iSMA BACnet Kits
There are 3 BACnet kits available for the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller:
iSMA BACnet: share AAC20 data points, alarm events, trend logs and schedules
in BACnet IP network,iSMA BACnet IP Master: read/write data from the BACnet IP devices,
iSMA BACnet MS/TP Master: read/write data from the BACnet MS/TP devices.
To install the BACnet kits, import the kits to the iSMA Tool software (possibly as part of the package of the various kits in a zip file). To do this, go to Import -> Import Framework Files.
After the successful import of the files, upload them to the device using the Kit Manager.
WARNING! Before programming the BACnet network, please check if the latest kit version is used. The latest kits are available at iSMA CONTROLLI support website:

Importing files