The TempConversion component converts the temperature from one unit to another (available units: Celsius, Fahrenheit, kelvin).

TempConversion component
The TempConversion component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component's status;
Out: the temperature expressed in units defined in the Out Unit slot;
Out Unit: defines the units that the input temperature is converted to;
InA-InB: the input temperature;
In Unit: defines the units of the input temperature.
Input Unit | Output Unit | Output Value |
Celsius | Celsius | = In |
Celsius | Fahrenheit | = (In - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0) |
Celsius | kelvin | = In + 273.0 |
Fahrenheit | Celsius | = (In * 1.8) + 32.0 |
Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit | = In |
Fahrenheit | kelvin | = (In * 1.8) + 32.0 + 273.0 |
kelvin | Celsius | = In - 273.0 |
kelvin | Fahrenheit | = ((In - 273.0) - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0) |
kelvin | kelvin | = In |