FAQ and Troubleshooting
Where to download the iSMA CONTROLLI graphic palette for Niagara?
iSMA CONTROLLI provides a graphic palette, called 'iSMA_Graphics'. It can be downloaded from: ismacontrolli.com.
Why does the PX file created in the MAC36 controller from components included in the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette cause errors ('HTTP ERROR 500', 'Unknown type IsmaPicture', or 'Unknown type IsmaBoundLabel') while displaying a view?
In order to use the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette, the module has to be uploaded to the controller with the Software Manager in the platform.
Why do graphic components from the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette display the 'Not licensed' watermark?
The 'iSMA_Graphics' license is available only for the MAC36 controllers, and it is its basic compound.
Why do 'iSMA_Graphics' components display watermarks on the Supervisor or JACE-8000 controller?
The 'iSMA_Graphics' palette is licensed only for MAC36 controllers; on the unlicensed devices, components are watermarked.