Quick Start
To start using the iC Connect tool, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Go to the www.ismacontrolli.com website and download the iC Connect installation file: jsdndjs.cjf.
Step 2: Run the installation file on the PC. The tool is automatically installed in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ic-connect space and stores all its data there. By default, the iC Connect downloads all software, applications, and modules directly to the location: C:\Users\username\ic-connect\applications.
Step 3: Once the iC Connect is installed, open it, and, for convenience, create a desktop shortcut or pin the shortcut to a taskbar.
Step 4: Upon opening, the iC Connect requires to log in. If used for a first time, register a new user account; otherwise, log in with user credentials (e-mail address and password).
Step 5: The iC Connect tool is ready to use. Search for a software or product as required. If necessary, go to the Settings and customize the tool.