MAC36NL - Distribution - Upgrade/downgrade
The article outlines how to properly perform an upgrade or downgrade of the iSMA-B-MAC36NL device. The procedure slightly differs from the JACE-8000 controller, which supports the upgrade to any higher version. All supported distributions and images are mentioned in the Distribution - Supported Versions article.
WARNING: Before changing the distribution, it is required to have the correct Workbench versions installed on the PC, and download and install proper distribution files, what is covered in the Distribution Files - Downloading and Installation article.
1. Distribution Downgrade
Distribution downgrade means changing the Niagara version from currently installed to the base version, which is for the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers. In order to change versions, for example, from to, it is required to reinstate the base version in the first place. The distribution downgrading steps are outlined in the CleanDist - Distribution Cleaning article. The only thing to remember is that each Niagara version installed on the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller has different cleanDist files, therefore, the distribution downgrade has to be performed on the Workbench version corresponding to the one installed on the controller.
WARNING: Cleaning the distribution means deleting the station currently installed in the controller (including alarms, historical data, and PX files), therefore, it is requested to perform backup beforehand.
2. Niagara Controller - Upgrading Distribution
If the base version,, is installed in the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller, it is possible to upgrade it to each higher but supported Niagara version (that is,, or Detailed steps of changing distribution to a higher version procedure are outlined in the MAC36NL - Commissioning article.
WARNING: From the Niagara version, the passphrase is saved on the SD card. Despite having already entered this value during the commissioning process, it is required to re-enter the passphrase after completing the commissioning process (ended with reboot), restarting the controller, and logging into the platform. It is also required to manually start the station with the Application Director (if it has had the passphrase assigned in the beginning). With this operation SD cards are freely movable between the controllers.
3. Controller with the Niagara Version Higher than - Upgrading Distribution
In order to upgrade the distribution in the controller with Niagara version higher than the base version, it is first required to downgrade it (which is covered in point 1 of this article), and then upgrade it to the version supported by the iSMA-B-MAC36NL.
WARNING: The iSMA-B-MAC36NL-RS or iSMA-B-MAC36NL-M controllers will not detect the extension with the distribution older than the version.