The LeadLagCycles provides a lead-lag control of 2 to 16 loads based upon their accumulated COS (change of state) counts. This component balances the number of change of states cycles of each of the devices. Only one of the controlled devices will be active at a time based on cycle count.

LeadLagCycles componet
The LeadLagCycles component has the following slots:
In: Boolean input that controls whether any control device should be on. If this input is true, one of the outputs will be active based on the cycle count of each controlled device;
Number Outputs: specifies the number of devices (outputs) that are controlled;
Max Runtime: specifies the maximum amount a given output will be true before switching to another output;
Feedback: Boolean input, which provides positive feedback that a controlled device actually has started. Setting this value to true (and not linking) disables the alarm feature;
Rotate Timer Active:
Out A-P: Boolean outputs, each typically linked to the BooleanWritable control point with the DiscreteTotalizerExt. Outputs are typically used to control loads of some type, such as 2 or more pumps;
Cycle Count A-P: integer inputs that are used for cycle count feedback for the corresponding Out A-P. These inputs will typically be linked to the ChangeOfStateCount property of the DiscreteTotalizerExt that is measuring the cycles of the corresponding Out A-P.