AAC20 - Application - Slow logging in to the application in the iC Tool
Occasionally, the application uploaded to the AAC20 device is too heavy, causing problems with logging in to the device.
In such case, the best solution is to edit the app.sax file before uploading it to the device.
First, open the app.sax file in any text editor (the below figure presents using Notepad++).
Next, find the scanPeriod property and change its value from 200 to 500 (<prop name=”scanPeroid” val=”200”/> to val=500).
Lastly, find the eventPerSec property and change its value from 100 to 500 (<prop name=”eventPerSec” val=”100”/> to val=500).
After that, upload the app.sax file to the device, and the problem with slow logging should no longer persist.

Figure 1. View of properties to modify in the app.sax file
WARNING: If the logging time is still too long, further increase the values mentioned in the article.