MG-IP - M-Bus - Problem with M-Bus meters added using MG-IP
M-Bus meters go into the Down status after adding them to the network using MG-IP. General communication problems between MG-IP and meters.
Possible solutions
M-Bus meters in down status after adding them using MG-IP
Check if communication cabling is made correctly or shields or external interferences do not interrupt the transmission.
Check if devices are correctly powered up and there are no power losses.
Try using a different power supply type - AC or DC depending on what was used first.
Update the firmware to the latest version. If the latest firmware has already been uploaded, reload it.
Restore factory settings on the device.
Check the communication logs, especially, for any alarms (check if the ALARM diode is lit).
Reduce a number of meters on the network and see if the communication improves.
Reduce a number of meters one by one until the system starts operating properly.
Communication problem between MG-IP and meters
Update the firmware to the latest version. If the latest firmware has already been uploaded, reload it.
Restore factory settings.
Using a dedicated software, verify frames sent by the meter. If a frame includes a lot of zeros, it will not be read properly by the device. For example:
2022-11-09T08:05:47.790+0100 info Received data:6896966808017235124726ee4d480d6e000000446d000081264406000000004d861e7634fe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c02022-11-09T08:05:47.790+0100 debug Rx:6896966808017235124726ee4d480d6e000000446d000081264406000000004d861e7634fe00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c0
Check if the baud rate is higher than 4800. If not, set it to a value higher than 4800.
Add a 5 kOhm resistor to the line.