The BACnet LocalDevice is a part of the iSMA_BACnet kit. This component allows making the iSMA-B-AAC20 controller a BACnet IP device. This component must be placed under the BACnet Network component from the same kit. All BACnet LocalDevice objects and components must be placed under this component.
The component contains the BACnet configuration, such as controller the BACnet ID number and BACnet device description (Device Name, Location, and additional description). These values can be read by other devices in the BACnet network.
It is also responsible for reviewing time messages and updating local device system clock (more information in the BACnet time synchronization section).

BACnet LocalDevice component
The BACnet LocalDevice component has the following slots:
Status: component current status;
Fault Cause: fault cause description;
Device Name: BACnet device name;
Location: BACnet description about the location of the device ;
Description: additional BACnet description of the device;
Object Identifier: BACnet address of the device, unique in the BACnet Network;
Time Sync Enable: enable/disable time synchronization from the BACnet Master device;
Time Sync Updated: last time sync message received;
Time Sync Source: time sync source address;
Password: device BACnet password protection for services DeviceCommunicationControl and ReinitializeDevice. By default, AAC20BACnet.