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This component has a built-in DALI command, which will be sent to DALI device/devices on the rising edge of slots on and off.

DALIOnOff component


The component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the component’s current status;

  • Description: user description up to 32 characters;

  • Address: short DALI device address or DALI group address;

  • Address Type: option to define a single device, group, or all DALI devices;

  • On: the rising edge sends the Switch On command to device/devices;

  • Off: the rising edge sends the Switch Off command to device/devices.


The DALIOnOff component has the following actions:

  • Send On: sends the Switch On command to DALI device/devices;

  • Send Off: sends the Switch Off  command to DALI device/devices.

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