The OneShot component provides a single, temporary, Boolean output for a specified duration (as set in the Time property). The OneShot action occurs with a false-to-true value transition at the In property or with an invoked Fire action. If either of these conditions occurs, the Out property value is set to true, and the Out Not property value is set to false for a time that is equal to the value of the Time property. If the time expires, these values revert to the previous (default) values.

OneShot component
The OneShot component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component's status;
Out: displays the current value that changes from false to true at the In property value. After the OneShot is triggered and the Time value period expires, this value returns to the default (false) value;
Out Not: the property has true or false options available. The Out value changes from false to true at the In property value or a Fire action. After the OneShot is triggered and the Time value period expires, this value returns to the default (true) value.
In: typically, this property is set by linking a Boolean Out value into it. The default state can be manually configured to a Boolean value so that, when no other value is linked into this property, the default value is used. This property value is passed to the component's Out property for the amount of time set in the Time property;
Time: determines how long the Out and Out Not properties hold their one-shot values.