The Thermostat component executes a basic thermostatic control. The controlled variable is compared with the setpoint value, and the thermostat is switched on or off accordingly (true or false value in the Out slot). The Cut In Offset and Cut Out Offset slots provide a deadband for the controlled variable. The Thermostat component can be set to operate in the heating or cooling mode.

Thermostat component
The Thermostat component has the following slots:
Mode: allows to set the thermostat to operate in the heating or cooling mode.
Out: the output value indicating whether the thermostat is switched on (true) or off (false).
Setpoint: the temperature target value.
Controlled Variable: the current input value (measured temperature).
Cut In Offset: defines the differential value between the controlled variable and setpoint to determine the Thermostat output on state. A positive Cut In Offset value means the value is greater than the Setpoint, and a negative CutInOffset value means the value is lower than the Setpoint, during the comparison. For cooling control, use positive value, and negative value for heating control.
Cut Out Offset: defines the differential value between the controlled variable and setpoint to determine the Thermostat output off state. A positive Cut Out Offset value means greater than the Setpoint, and a negative CutOutOffset value means lower than the Setpoint, during the comparison. For cooling control, use a negative value, and positive value for heating control.
In the heating mode, the thermostat is switched on if the controlled variable is lower than the setpoint plus the Cut In Offset value, switches off when the controlled variable reaches the setpoint plus the Cut In Offset value, and remains switched off until the controlled variable drops below the setpoint minus the Cut Out Offset value.
In the cooling mode, the thermostat is switched on if the controlled value is higher than the setpoint plus the Cut In Offset value, switches off when the controlled variable reaches the setpoint plus the Cut In Offset value, and remains switched off until the controlled variable rises above the setpoint minus the Cut Out Offset value.
Note: The above rules apply providing the Cut In Offset and Cut Out Offset values are set as follows:
Heating mode: the Cut In Offset value is negative, and the Cut Out Offset value is positive;
Cooling mode: the Cut In Offset value is positive, and the Cut Out Offset value is negative.