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Firmware - Upgrade and Versions

Firmware Upgrade

The controller’s firmware can be updated by uploading a new firmware file to the device. The following files are necessary to upgrade the firmware (all files are available on the iSMA CONTROLLI website:

  • AAC20Updater.exe: the software sends files to the controller and performs system actions;

  • Firmware file: binary file with a firmware code;

  • The latest kits: all kits must be updated to the current version, they can be downloaded and imported as one bundle .zip file;

  • Default app.sab file: (optional) default Sedona application file, adapted to the current firmware version;

  • Default kits.scode: (optional) default Sedona kits image, adapted to the current firmware version.

Step 1: Download files from the iSMA CONTROLLI website, iSMA CONTROLLI Download Center, to local PC drive.

Step 2: Upgrade kits’ files in the iSMA Tool.

Step 3a: Send files using the IP connection (the controller will automatically run in the bootloader mode).

Open AAC20Updater.exe and set up communication parameters :

  • Modbus TCP;

  • IP address (default for new devices;

  • Modbus TCP/IP port (default 502);

  • Modbus address (default 1).

Step 3b: Send files by RS485 connection.

WARNING! Using RS485 port, the controller must be manually switched to the Bootloader mode (see section RS485 Connection).

Open SedonaUpdater.exe and set up communication parameters :

  • Modbus RTU;

  • COM port–PC RS485 COM port number;

  • Baud rate–controller’s RS485 port baud rate (default 115200);

  • Modbus Address (default 1).

Step 4: Select the firmware file (.bin file) using the Select File button, and send it to the controller using the Send File button. After successful upload a  “Transfer OK” pop-up message is displayed.

Step 5 (optional): Send default app.sab and kits.scode files to the controller.

WARNING! This operation will erase controller’s application. It is not recommended if the application cannot be deleted from the controller. In order to avoid data loss back up the application on the PC drive.

Select the app.sab file and send it to the controller. Once a Transfer OK message is displayed, select the second file, kits.scode, and send it to the controller.

Step 6: Reboot the controller using the Reload Firmware button. The controller will load new firmware and restart.

Step 7: Check the controller’s firmware version.

Firmware Version

There are three options to check the controller’s current firmware version:

  • using the iC Tool;

  • using the web page;

  • using the LCD menu (applicable only for iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD, iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD-M, iSMA-B-AAC20-LCD-D).

iC Tool

To verify the current firmware version using the iC Tool, log in to the device, and go to the Plat component. The Plat component is located in the Service folder, directly below the App component (Device -> App -> Service -> plat). The Plat component contains the Firmware Version slot, which identifies the working firmware version.

Web Page

To verify the current firmware version using the web page, open a browser, enter the controller’s IP address into the address bar, and log in to the service (enter the username “platform” and 4 digits password–default password is 1000, it can by changed in Sedona -> App -> Service -> plat component in the Device Password slot). The firmware version is displayed in the Device tab in Basic Information.

LCD System Menu

To verify the current firmware version with the LCD system menu, log in to the system menu by holding the F1 button (enter the “platform” username on the LCD and the 4 digits password–default password is 1000, it can by changed in Sedona -> App -> Service -> plat component in the Device Password slot ), and open the Info page.

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