LCD display access is managed through the device's users service (app>service>users). By default, the lcd user is created with a full access, and it is the user automatically assigned to log with while operating the device on the LCD display. In the users service, it is possible to add other users with a required permissions level defined by 4 groups of access (each component in Sedona has a Meta slot that allows to assign it to one of 4 predefined groups). All user accounts - apart from web users - can be used to log in to the LCD display and to display or edit values according to their access rights (the minimum access right to display lines is read, the user without the read access cannot display any lines).
The users can have the following type of permissions:
Operator Read: read components, read values of operator properties;
Operator Write: change the values of operator properties;
Operator Invoke: invoke operator actions;
Admin Read: read values of properties, read links, generate components links;
Admin Write: change values properties, add components, sort components, rename components, generate links to the components, delete links to the components;
Admin Invoke: invoke admin actions of the components;
Admin User: user management (read, write, edit, delete).
Provisioning Permissions:
Can provision app: can read/write app.sab file;
Can provision app: can read/write kits.scode file;
Can provision app: can read/write SVM files.
User LCD Login / Switching Between Users
By default, the display logs in to the device using the default lcd user. To switch to another user (with different access rights to application components), hold the F2 key - the list of users of the users service becomes available. Use the up/down arrows to select the desired user and then confirm by pressing Enter.
Using User Permission to Build LCD Menu
Building the display structure is closely related to the user rights to the components of the LCD. Each component in the Sedona environment is assigned to at least one of 4 groups, and each user has rights defined for each group. User access rights to groups are defined in the users service.
For a user to display the component, the access rights to the group of this component cannot be lower than ‘Read’.
For a user to edit a value of the component, assign the user to the group of this component with a reading access (component must be displayed) and also with a writing access to make and store the changes. Assigning components to the groups and giving users access rights, a single menu for many users can be built, where users have access to the selected items.