The SunPosition component calculates a current sun position based on the current time and geographical coordinates. The Internet connection is not required for its proper work.
The SunPosition component has the following slots:
Enabled: change of the slot's value enables or disables the component—if the component becomes disabled, it stops to operate;
Update Period: time after which the weather data are refreshed (expressed in minutes);
Longitude: geographical longitude; geographic coordinates define the place which the component shows the sun position for;
Latitude: geographical latitude; geographic coordinates define the place which the component shows the sun position for;
Day Length: shows the current day length for the place defined by geographical coordinates;
Sunrise Hour: together with the Sunrise Minute value shows the time of sunrise in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the HH value);
Sunrise Minute: together with the Sunrise Hour value shows the time of sunrise in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the MM value);
Sunset Hour: together with the Sunset Minute value shows the time of sunset in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the HH value);
Sunset Minute: together with the Sunset Hour value shows the time of sunset in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the MM value)
Noon Hour: together with the Noon Minute value shows the time of noon in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the HH value);
Noon Minute: together with the Noon Hour value shows the time of noon in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the MM value);
Midnight Hour: together with the Midnight Minute value shows the time of midnight in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the HH value);
Midnight Minute: together with the Midnight Hour value shows the time of midnight in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in HH:MM format, here shows the MM value);
Max Elevation: shows the maximum sun elevation in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in degrees);
Min Elevation: shows the minimum sun elevation in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in degrees),
Current Elevation: shows the current sun elevation in the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in degrees),
Current Azimuth: shows the current sun azimuth angle for the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in degrees);
Current Declination: shows the current sun’s declination for the place defined by geographical coordinates (expressed in degrees);
Current Right Ascension: shows the current right ascension of the sun (expressed in degrees).