AAC20 - Sensors - Using the Linearize component to create a custom characteristic of a temperature sensor
The article describes how to use the Linearize component to created a user-custom characteristic of a temperature sensor, one, which is not built in in the AAC20 controller.
The example is based on the Pt100 sensor, which specification is not incorporated in the AAC20 controller.

The Pt100 sensor type 404 characteristic:

According to the sensor’s characteristic, using the Linearize component foe more detailed calculations, it is required to write 10 resistance values to Y0-Y9 slots and then, in X0-X9 slots, input corresponding temperature values.

For less detailed calculations, it is enough to input limit values in the Y0-Y1 and X0-X1 slots of the Linearize component, however, if the sensor’s characteristic is not linear, the calculations will be imprecise.