The MinMaxAverage component has 5 numeric output slots that provide the current minimum, maximum, count, sum, and average values of a linked numeric input. In the Count slot, the component adds the number of value changes in the In slot. The Reset action sets all slots to 0.

MinMaxAverage component
The MinMaxAverage component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component's status;
Min: indicates the minimum value, which has been given to the In slot in the ongoing count;
Max: indicates the maximum value, which has been given to the In slot in the ongoing count;
Cnt: shows the number of value changes to the In slot; counting (together with other calculated values) can be reset and restarted with the Reset action;
Sum: shows the sum of values given to the In slot in the ongoing count;
Avg: shows the average of values given to the In slot in the ongoing count
In: the input value.
The MinMaxAverage component has the following action:
Reset: sets all slots back to 0.