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The MultiStateLine component is used to display and edit the integer variables with labels. The labels assigned to values can be imported to the MultiStateLine component from iSMA_platAAC20 NVMultiStateWritable component. The labels may be preceded by a description on the left side (prefix), e.g., the name, as well as on the right (suffix), e.g., the units.

To edit a value (choose label) of the MultiStateLine component, select true in the Editable slot, and provide the user with a write access to the component. To make sure that the value on the LCD is synchronized with the changes in the NVMultiStateWritable component the “link back-forward” strategy needs to be applied. There is a possibility to change the value (label) from LCD by selecting the Set action. To do this, use the up/down arrow keys.

MultiStateLine component

The MultiStateLine component has the following slots:

  • Status: the current status of the component;

  • Fault Cause: indicates the fault cause of the component;

  • Prefix: static text displayed before the numeric value (left-aligned),

  • In: the numeric value,

  • Suffix: static text displayed after the numeric value (right-aligned),

  • Editable: switch on/off for variables editing,

  • Auto Run Action: automatically goes to editing set action, without action selection (only for components which support 1 action).

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