The Counter component counts the Boolean inactive to active transitions. It supports counting up, counting down, presetting, and clearing.

Counter component
The Counter component has the following slots:
Count Up: the Boolean input. With the inactive to active transition the value of the Out property increments by the Count Increment value;
Count Down: the Boolean input. With the inactive to active transition the value of the Out property decrements by the Count Increment value;
Preset In: the numeric input, which is set in the Out property if the Preset action is invoked;
Clear In: the numeric input, which is set in the Out property if the Clear action is invoked;
Count Increment: the value that the Out property changes for a single count up or count down in active transition;
Preset Trigger: the Boolean input. If this input changes from inactive to active, it invokes the Preset action;
Clear Trigger: the Boolean input. If this input changes from inactive to active, it clears the Preset value.
The Counter component includes the following actions:
Preset: sets the value of the Out property to the Preset In value;
Clear: sets the value of the Out property to the Clear In value.