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DALI Light Control

The device has two separate DALI interfaces. They can be controlled with dedicated Modbus registers separately or simultaneously, in accordance with the CFG DIP switch setting.

In case of a single DALI network control, DALI1 and DALI2 interfaces are controlled exactly in the same way. This means that DALI1 has exactly the same control algorithm and implemented functions as DALI2.

The DALI interface commands are sent to the connected DALI ballasts if the Modbus registers responsible for particular DALI Interface are changed or by means of physical external devices such as motion sensor / presence detector (connected to special inputs) or switches (connected to digital inputs).

Monostable Switch Control

Monostable switch control configuration

Monostable switches cause a short-time impulse, which closes the loop of the digital input. Depending on the actual state of the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE, a single impulse on the digital input X sends commands DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE  or DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF  to the DALI X interface (where X is a particular number of DALI interface–1 or 2):

  • DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE command is recalled if the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is 0 (INACTIVE) and the raising edge of the signal on digital input X is detected.

In such case, the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE register is set to 1 (ACTIVE).

The falling edge of the signal on digital input X starts counting down the time stored in SIX_DELAY_OFF_TIME register (where X is a particular number of the DALI interface–1 or 2). When the time ends, DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command is sent to DALI Interface X.

Time counting can be interrupted by sending another pulse on the digital input, which results in sending the DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command.

  • DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command is recalled if the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is 1 (ACTIVE) and the raising edge of the signal on digital input X is detected.

In such case, the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE register is set to 0 (INACTIVE).

Pushing and holding the switch if the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is 1 (ACTIVE) results in broadcast dimming the light with the step defined in the DALIX_FADE_RATE register until the ballasts achieve the minimum level stored in the DALIX_BALLAST_MIN registers.

Releasing the switch sets a new scene for the ballasts and stops dimming.

Ballasts are set to the required brightness level.

Subsequent pushing and holding the switch dims the ballasts in the opposite direction until they achieve the maximum level stored in DALIX_BALLAST_MAX registers.

Bistable Switch Control

Bistable switch control configuration

Bistable switches have two stable states. Depending on the actual state of the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE, changing the state of the bistable switch connected to the digital input X sends commands DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE or DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF to the DALI network X:

  • DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE command is recalled if the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is 0 (INACTIVE) and the raising edge of the signal on digital input X is detected.

In such case, the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE register is set to 1 (ACTIVE).

  • DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command is recalled when DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE X is 1 (ACTIVE) and the falling edge of the signal on Digital Input X is detected.

In such case, the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE register is set to 0 (INACTIVE).

Motion Sensor/Presence Detector Control

To activate a motion sensor / presence detector to the control algorithm, the user needs only to connect the sensor to one of the special inputs, S1 or S2. By default, special inputs work in the normal closed mode (NC). In case there is a need to change the PIR working mode from NC to NO, the value of SI1_PIR_TYPE register needs to be changed.

  • If the motion sensor / presence detector connected to the special input X detects
    a motion and the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is 0, the DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE command is sent to the interface X.

A counter starts counting down the time stored in the SIX_DELAY_OFF_TIME register. When the time ends, the DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command is sent to the DALI X Interface. Time counting can be interrupted when another motion is detected, restarting the time counter. In practice, it means that time counting begins when the last motion detected by the motion sensor / presence detector disappears.

  • If the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE is activated by the signal from the motion sensor / presence detector, it can be overridden by the signal from switch(es) connected to digital input X (send the DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF command).

The motion sensor / presence detector can be activated again by another signal on the digital input X or by resetting the power supply.

It is possible to block the motion sensor / presence detector functioning by changing the state of the SIX_BLOCKING register bit to active. The function of deactivating the motion sensor / presence detector can be useful if the motion sensor / presence detector cannot have any impact on the lighting, for example, after the normal working hours.

Single motion sensor connected to one of the special inputs can control two interfaces simultaneously. In order to do so, the user needs to apply an appropriate DIP CFG configuration. For more details, please refer to chapter Multi DALI interface control.

DALI Interface Multicontrol

The device allows for controlling two DALI interfaces, DALI1 and DALI2, simultaneously.

With appropriate CFG DIP switch configuration, the user can control two interfaces with only one special input and\or digital input in a freely chosen configuration. Both special inputs and digital inputs can control DALI 1 and DALI 2 together as a single group.

The feature of multicontrol allows for extending the number of ballasts belonging to one DALI group. With the multicontrol function, it is possible to control up to 32 DALI ballasts divided only in the physical layer into two groups up to 16 ballasts each.

The control algorithm in case of using switches or motion sensors/presence detectors is similar as in case of single DALI interface control.

  • DALIX_BROADCAST_OFF is sent only to the interface with the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE active (the one of the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE can be set in OFF by switch)
  • If the motion sensor/presence detector detects any motion, the DALIX_BROADCAST_LAST_SCENE command is sent only to the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE, which is inactive and not overridden by switch (one of the DALIX_ON_OFF_STATE can be switched OFF with a switch).


In a room, there is one motion sensor / presence detector connected to the special input 1, and two switches, one connected to the digital input 1 and the other connected to the digital input 2. The motion sensor / presence detector should control two DALI interfaces in a group, and the switches should control two interfaces separately. The CFG DIP switch configuration should be set as in the figure below:

Multicontrol configuration
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