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This component has the built-in DALI command, which sends the Recall Scene command to DALI device/devices. The component has defined two scenes numbers and triggering slots, so it allows for defining different scenes for on and off triggering slots.

DALIOnOffRecallScene component


The DALIOnOffRecallScene component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the component’s current status;

  • Description: user description up to 32 characters;

  • Address: short DALI device address or DALI group address;

  • Address Type: option to define a single device, group, or all DALI devices;

  • On: component input trigger, which sends the Recall Scene command;

  • Value On: sets the scene number recalled by the On trigger;

  • Off: component input trigger, which sends the Recall Scene command;

  • Value Off: sets the scene number recalled by the Off trigger.


The DALIOnOffRecallScene component has the following actions:

  • Send Scene On: sends the Recall Scene number assigned to the On trigger to DALI device/devices.

  • Send Scene Off: sends the Recall Scene number assigned to the Off trigger to DALI device/devices.

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