This component has the built-in DALI command, which sends the Recall Scene command to DALI device/devices. The component has defined two scenes numbers and triggering slots, so it allows for defining different scenes for on and off triggering slots.
The DALIOnOffRecallScene component has the following slots:
Status: shows the component’s current status;
Description: user description up to 32 characters;
Address: short DALI device address or DALI group address;
Address Type: option to define a single device, group, or all DALI devices;
On: component input trigger, which sends the Recall Scene command;
Value On: sets the scene number recalled by the On trigger;
Off: component input trigger, which sends the Recall Scene command;
Value Off: sets the scene number recalled by the Off trigger.
The DALIOnOffRecallScene component has the following actions:
Send Scene On: sends the Recall Scene number assigned to the On trigger to DALI device/devices.
Send Scene Off: sends the Recall Scene number assigned to the Off trigger to DALI device/devices.