AAC20 - BACnet - Alarms export
Following article describes how to make alarms export using BACnet protocol. Firstly, it is required to make the basic configuration of BACnet driver, which is described in a separate article:
1. Alarms export
At the beginning, add BACnet points under “LocalDevice” component, which will send alarms. Then, add “Notification Class” component under “Local Device” component. Open “Property Sheet” view of point, which has to send alarms, and then (configuration is described in the example of “BinaryValue” object type):
In slot “Notification Class”, enter ID of previously added “Notification Class” object type,
in slot “Alarm Value”, choose which value of the point is an alarm value,
in slot “Event Enable”, choose what changes of the point value will be sent to “Notification Class”object type.

Picture 1. Configuration of the object type “BinaryValue” alarm.
In the next step, go to “Notification View” view of “Notification Class” component and then:
In slot “Type”, choose “Device”,
in slot “Adress”, enter the correct “BACnet ID” of the alarm receiving device,
in slot “Valid Days”, choose days when alarms will be sent,
in slots “From Time” and “To Time”, choose hours when alarms will be sent,
in slot “Process Identifier”*, enter the value unique for each alarm receiver (“recipient”),
slot “Confirmed” decides if the receiving device can confirm alarms.

Picture 2. Configuration of the object type “Notification Class”.
*The Process Identifier - is a numeric handle that identifies processes that are only meaningful to the destination device.