MG-IP - M-Bus - Meters are not discovered
M-Bus meters connected to the MG-IP module are not discovered by the supervising controller (for example, Niagara controller).

Possible solutions
Check if the meters primary address is set to 0. If yes, it will not be read by Niagara.
Try discovering meters using the secondary address, first, using no filters. If this fails, try using one of the following filters:
Manufacturer ID
Medium (Device Media)
Device Version
Check if the secondary address is entered correctly. Make sure to define it properly:
Device ID (Serial Number) - 4 bytes
Manufacturer ID - 2 bytes
Medium (Device Media) - 1 byte
Device Version - 1 byte
Connect meters one by one and discover them using the Single device discover function. Set the meter’s primary address to a different value than 0.
Check if the wiring is correct.
Check if addresses of every device are unique.
Check if communication parameters are compliant over the whole bus.
Restore the MG-IP module to factory settings and update the firmware.
Check if the number of meters does not exceed 60.
Check is the load is not more than 130 mA.