- AAC20 - Firmware - Version check and update
- AAC20 - iSMA Tool - Adding device
- AAC20 - iSMA Tool - Uploading the application
- AAC20 - iSMA Tool - Downloading the application
- AAC20 - iSMA Tool - Manual upload of firmware and application
- AAC20 - iSMA Tool - Using Kit Manager
- AAC20 - License - Upload and update
- AAC20 - IP Address - Check and change
- AAC20 - Logs - WWW and USB console
- AAC20 - Web - Application and kits download
- AAC20 - BACnet IP - Configuration and adding a device using iSMA Tool
- AAC20 - BACnet MS/TP - Communication between 2 AAC20 controllers
- AAC20 - BACnet - Alarms export
- AAC20 - Modbus TCP/IP - Configuration and adding a device using iSMA Tool
- AAC20 - Modbus TCP/IP - Modbus Gateway - MINI/MIX integration
- AAC20 - Modbus RS485 - Configuration and adding a device using iSMA Tool
- AAC20 - DALI - Configuration and adding a device using iSMA Tool
- AAC20 - DALI - Cooperation with RGB LED tape
- AAC20 - NTPClient - Description and configuration
- AAC20 - RateFolder - Optimalization of application
- AAC20 - ScanPeriod - Proper configuration
- AAC20 - iC Tool - Java Runtime error during iC Tool start-up
- AAC20 - Simulator - Problem with starting
- AAC20 - Simulator - "Unlicensed" status in NV components
- AAC20 - Application - Error during application upload in the iC Tool
- AAC20 - Application - Slow logging in to the application in the iC Tool
- AAC20 - Kits - Missing iSMA_controlApi_1.2.28.115 kit
- AAC20 - Kits - Comparing versions
- AAC20 - Inaccurate floating-point values