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Blinds Calibration Procedure

The calibration process is necessary always if the blind/shutter is used for the first time or if there is a need of recalibration or the command restoring the  default settings is invoked. The process records the time values in the BLIND_UP_TIME and BLIND_DOWN_TIME registers (by default, values in the registers is 0).

The difference between the BLIND_UP_TIME\BLIND_DOWN_TIME values from the first calibration and recalibration process cannot be greater than 20%.

The calibration can be done by using monostable switches or three-state bistable switches.

  1. To begin the calibration process the blind/shutter should be in the closed position.
  2. From the closed position, the blind/shutter needs to be raised to the desired maximum open position.
  3. The blind/shutter needs to be lowered back to the closed position.
  4. Points no. 2 and 3 need to be repeated.

Conditions which have to be fulfilled for the calibration to succeed:

  1. Difference between the two opening time values cannot be higher than 20%.
  2. Difference between the two closing time values cannot be higher than 20%. Example: The first opening time is 20 seconds. The second one has to be no more than 24 seconds and not less than 16 seconds.
  3. Each opening/closing movement has to be initiated within 3 seconds after stopping the previous one.

If the the above conditions are met, the opening time values and the closing time values are averaged and written to the BLIND_UP_TIME and BLIND_DOWN_TIME registers. This is indicated by a  quick up and down movement of the slats in case of the shutter control or quick up and down movement of the blind.

Blind shutter calibration procedure
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