Niagara and iSMA-B-MAC36NL Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which Niagara versions are iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers currently compatible with?
A: iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers are currently compatible with Niagara N4 versions:,,,, and
Q: Where to download the WorkPlace software and current JAR modules for Niagara, supporting iSMA-B products?
Q: Where to download current firmware and image for iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
Q: What are default login data to the Supervisior platform?
A: The Supervisor platform accepts the same login data as the Windows user account; the username can be checked in the Control Panel in Users Account section.
Q: How to change the IP address in the Niagara Supervisor?
A: The Supervisor is the Niagara software installed on the PC/server and automatically reading available network cards. The IP address can be changed using system tools.
Q: What are default login data to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL or JACE-8000 controllers platform?
A: The default login is 'tridium', and the default password is 'niagara'.
Q: What is the default IP address of the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller?
A: IP address: Please note that only the ETH1 port (left) is active by default.
Q: What is the default IP address of the JACE-8000 controller?
A: IP address: Please note that only the PRI port (right) is active by default.
Q: How to change the IP address of the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller?
A: Log in to the controller's platform, go to 'TCP/IP Configuration' and in 'Interfaces' section expand 'Interface 1' (eth0) or 'Interface 2' (eth1). It is then possible to enter a static IP address and mask, or select the DHCP address (only for eth0).
Q: How to change the IP address of the JACE-8000 controller?
A: Log in to the controller's platform, go to 'TCP/IP Configuration' and in 'Interfaces' section expand 'Interface 1' (dm0) or 'Interface 2' (dm1). It is then possible to enter a static IP address and mask, or select the DHCP address.
Q: I took the new iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller out of the box and turned the power supply on - the ON diode is lit constantly and I cannot connect to the controller.
A: The controller acts this way if the mini SD card with license and system image has not been inserted to the device (on the left side of the enclosure). The mini SD card has to be inserted pins up and only if the power supply is turned off.
Q: Why does the login window not appear to log in to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller's station even if the controller is correctly connected and responds to ping?
A: One reason may be the station has not started yet; depending on its size, it may take some time to start the station after the controller's restart. If the problem occurs a few minutes from powering up, log in to the platform, go to the 'Application Director', and check if any station is saved and what is its status.
Q: Why does the station not start automatically after the restart of iSMA-MAC36NL/JACE-8000 controller or PC with Supervisor?
A: If the station does not have the Auto-Start option (in the platform, in Application Director) set to true, it waits to be started manually. Starting the station may also be interrupted by an unexpected error. Such error may be caused by missing JAR modules, trying to start two stations at once, or incorrect code in the station's config.bog file. The cause of error can be found in the logs window in the Application Director in platform.
Q: I have connected the HMI panel with HDMI interface to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller - why does the screen display only the loading circle with 'iSMA-B-MAC36NL' name and iSMA logo?
A: After connecting it to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller, the HMI panel with HDMI interface automatically goes into the standby mode awaiting data transmission with the controller. This state is sustained until the station is started (the station status must be 'Running') or until the 'iSMAHDMI' service from 'iSMA_HDMI' module is added to '/Config/Services'.
Q: Why does the loading circle not hide and remains visible over the views displayed from the HMI panel with HDMI interface?
A: The loading circle is displayed over the views from the HMI panel with HDMI interface if not all data have already been sent to the panel. Depending on the view load, it is displayed from several up to fifteen seconds. If the circle does not disappear at all, it means the logged in user has the 'Default Web Profile' set to the other option than 'Handheld Hx Profile'.
Q: After restarting the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller, the resolution of the connected HMI panel with HDMI interface changed on the displayed view. How to avoid it?
A: Niagara version below 4.8: Such situation may happen if a power supply loss occurs on the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller and the HMI panel with HDMI interface has been powered all the time. The solution is to turn off and turn on the power supply on both devices, or to upgrade the Niagara version to 4.8 or higher.
Q: Does iSMA CONTROLLI provide a graphic palette for Niagara? If yes, where to download it?
A: iSMA CONTROLLI provides two graphic palettes, below are they names and download links:
- iSMA_Graphics - 3D library
- iSMA EC 2D Graphics - 2D library
Q: Why does the PX file created in the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller from components included in the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette cause errors ('HTTP ERROR 500', 'Unknown type IsmaPicture', or 'Unknown type IsmaBoundLabel') while displaying a view?
A: In order to use the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette, the module has to be uploaded to the controller with the Software Manager in platform.
Q: Why do graphic components from the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette display the 'Not licensed' watermark?
A: The 'iSMA_Graphics' license is available only for the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller, and it is its basic compound.
Q: Is the 'iSMA_Graphics' palette compatible with the Supervisor or JACE-8000 controller?
A: The 'iSMA_Graphics' palette is available only for iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers.
Q: How to install or update the license on iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
A: Log in to the controller's platform, go to the 'License Manager', and click the 'Import' button. In the pop-up window, select the option to upload the license from file (if it is downloaded to the PC) or from license server (Internet access required).
Q: How to install or update certificates on iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
A: Log in to the controller's platform, go to the 'License Manager', and click the 'Import' button. In the pop-up window, select the file containing the certificate.
Q: How to upload JAR modules to Niagara?
A: Move the JAR modules (downloaded from any source) to the Workbench installation folder, to the 'modules' folder. For version, the default folder is: 'C:\Niagara\Niagara-\modules'. Restart WorkPlace after moving files because the list of modules is read at a start.
Q: The Supervisor platform misses the 'Software Manager'. How to upload modules?
A: All JAR modules files in the 'modules' folder are available for the Supervisor station. For version the default folder is 'C:\Niagara\Niagara-\modules'. After moving new JAR modules there, it is required to restart the WorkPlace software in order to refresh the list of available modules.
Q: Dragging & dropping the component from the module palette to iSMA-B-MAC36NL or JACE-8000 controllers results in the pop-up window with error and the components is not added. Why?
A: In order to use JAR modules in the iSMA-B-MAC36NL or JACE-8000 controllers, upload them to the controller with the Software Manager in the platform.
Q: Installing/uninstalling modules in the Software Manager in iSMA-B-MAC36NL or JACE-8000 controllers does not work. Why?
A: Selecting a module from the JAR list and clicking the 'Install/Uninstall' button is only a beginning of the process. In order to execute the change, click the 'Commit' button, which causes the selected modules to install/uninstall and restarts the station, if necessary.
Q: The driver module installed in iSMA-B-MAC36NL or JACE-8000 controllers, added to the station and correctly configured and connected, does not work properly. Why?
A: Due to a bug in Niagara N4, having a driver installed in the controller with the Software Manager and having added it to the station, it is recommended to restart the controller (not to confuse with restarting the station), even if the Software Manager did not request it during installation.
Q: How to restore default settings in iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
A: 1. Using the 6th section of the DIP switch located under the top cover of the controller, according to the procedure described in the User Manual. This method leaves the Niagara version intact (the functionality is available from the Niagara 4.6 version).
2. Using the 'Distribution File Installer'. In the controller's platform, after clicking 'Cleaning', select the 'cleanDist' file. This method allows only to select the N4.4 version, and execute commissioning afterwards.
Q: Why does the folders view appear after logging the user into the station?
A: The folders view is the default view. In order to set a new start page, create a new NAV file in the 'files' folder and set a default view there. Remember that each user has a separate reference to the NAV file.
Q: After connecting several devices with RS485 to the iSMA-B module with IP in the gateway mode, the communication in 'ModbusTcpNetwork' breaks randomly. Why?
A: The iSMA-B modules with IP communication can open the maximum of 4 TCP sockets. The 'ModbusTcpNetwork' driver opens a separate socket for each added device. For this reason, if using the same IP address for communication with devices connected with RS485 to the iSMA-B module with IP, it is required to use the 'ModbusTcpGateway' driver, which opens one socket with the IP address and allows to connect many devices with RS485 without random loss of communication.
Q: Despite the devices with RS485 are connected to iSMA-B modules with IP with the 'ModbusTcpGateway' network, the communication is still lost. Why?
A: In the Niagara N4.6 and N4.7 versions, the 'ModbusTcpGateway' component contains a bug. It is required to update the 'modbusTcp-rt' module in the device using the link:
Q: Why are no contents visible after adding the SVG file to the station and locating it in the PX graphics? The SVG file preview in the WorkPlace software is empty too, however, it is visible if opened in any Internet browser or image viewer.
A: Dimensions (working area) of files in SVG standard is defined in two ways: using the 'viewbox' object in the file heading, or 'width' and 'height' objects. Niagara requires using the 'width' and 'height' objects; missing these objects in the heading causes the file to be read in 1x1 resolution, so only the first pixel of the SVG file is displayed. Sometimes this pixel is transparent, making the WorkPlace preview appear to be blank.
Q: How to make a monthly/weekly/daily report of a certain data range, for example, meters readings or current temperature in rooms?
A: The 'ReportService', available in the 'report-rt' module, is used to generate periodic or current reports. Having the module installed and the service added, it is possible to create components exporting, e.g., historic data to files (.xml, .html, .txt, .csv, .pdf) or oBIX driver, or components extracting sets of values from the station, according to the BQL request, and displaying them in tabular form.
Q: After adding the 'ExportSource' component to the 'ReportService' and proper configuration of data source and file type, nothing is exported. Why?
A: 1. After adding the 'ExportSource' component, it is required to link its output slot with an input slot of any 'EmailRecipient' component (defining an e-mail address of the recipient) or 'FileRecipient' component (defining a path to saving location in the local station).
2. The 'ExportSource' component has the 'schedule' slot, which defines a method of generating the report. The available methods are periodic reports or manual reports, which are forced by the 'trigger'.
Q: What is BQL?
A: BQL stands for 'Baja Query Language', which is the queries language in the Niagara basic library. It operates similarly to SQL, and allows searching for data based on criteria defined in the query. It is built in the 'Ord' type slots mechanism, and can be used to generate reports in the 'ReportService'.
Q: Is there any component allowing to create a logic in one of popular programming languages?
A: Creating logics is possible in JAVA using the 'Program' component, available in the 'program' palette. For its proper operation, the 'ProgramService' has to be installed in the station.
Q: After adding the 'Program' component from the 'program' palette and having correctly created the logic in JAVA, it does not work even with the 'Execute' action invoked. Why?
A: The component requires constant operation of the 'ProgramService', which is automatically added while creating the station; it is recommended to check if it has not been removed. To execute a logic, it is not enough to write it, it has to be compiled. To this end, open the 'ProgramService' in the 'Program Recompile Tool', and click the 'Recompile All' button. After compiling, the program can be carried out manually with the 'Execute' action or evoke it with any event in the logic.
Q: Why does each attempt to compile the JAVA logic in the 'ProgramService' return errors?
A: During compilation, if the displayed message includes an option to view details ('Details' button) of an error, it means the error is in the program logic. If the displayed message is 'Recompile complete with errors' and it does not allow to view any details, it means the logic is executable, and the error is caused by a missing digital signature. It is caused by the fact that in the programming world, codes without digital signatures are normally treated as potentially dangerous.
Q: How to change the passphrase in iSMA-B-MAC36NL/JACE-8000 controllers?
A: The passphrase can be changed in two methods:
1. Redo the 'commissioning' process of the controller - right-click the Platform and select the 'Commissioning Wizard' from the context menu. In the pop-up window, select the 'Configure system passphrase' option, insert the old passphrase, and then a new one.
2. Go to the 'Platform Administration' in the controller's platform, and select 'System Passphrase'. In the pop-up window, insert the old passphrase, and then a new one.
Q: How to change the passphrase in Supervisor?
A: Go to the 'Platform Administration' in the Supervisor platform, and select 'System Passphrase'. In the pop-up window, insert the old passphrase, and then a new one.
Q: I lost the passphrase to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL/JACE-8000 controller. How can I change it?
A: A passphrase is the station author's protection from uncontrolled access/copying, which is why it should be easy to remember for the authorized person and kept safe, for example, in the safety deposit box. If the passphrase is lost, the only option to retrieve it is restoring default settings. Then, during first commissioning, introduce a new passphrase for the device.
Q: I lost the passphrase to Supervisor. How can I change it?
A: A passphrase is the station author's protection from uncontrolled access/copying, which is why it should be easy to remember for the authorized person and kept safe, for example, in the safety deposit box. If the passphrase is lost, the only option is to uninstall the Niagara WorkPlace software from the PC and reinstall it. Then, during first commissioning, introduce a new passphrase for Supervisor.
Q: Which component creates a heating curve?
A: In order to create a simple, two-point heating curve use the 'Reset' component from the 'kitControl' module.
Q: How to create an individual, non-linear sensor's characteristic on network points (e.g., Modbus or BACnet)?
A: In the 'Conversion' slot, go to 'Proxy Ext' and select the 'Generic Tabular' option from a drop-down list, which allows to introduce an individual characteristic. The 'kitIo' module is required for proper operation.
Q: How to transfer once introduced individual characteristic with 'Generic Tabular'?
A: Click the pencil icon available next to the introduced characteristic, and select 'Export'. Save the characteristic in the station's files location. Next, import the characteristic to another network point or to another station.
Q: Why does the station log out automatically from time to time?
A: Automatic log out can be switched off for each user separately. In order to do so, go to the 'UserService', to each user individually, and in the 'AutoLogoffSettings' slot set the 'AutoLogoffEnabled' to false.
Q: How to change the frequency of automatic logging out of the station?
A: Prolonging the periods of automatic logging off can be carried out globally or for each user individually. Regardless, the time range is between 2 minutes and 4 hours.
1. Globally: go to 'UserService', open it in the 'AX Property Sheet' view, and change the value of the 'DefaultAutoLogoffPeriod' slot.
2. For individual user: go to the 'UserService's configuration. In the 'AutoLogoffSettings' slot, switch the 'UseDefaultAutoLogoffPeriod' to false, and in the 'AutoLogoffPeriod' slot, set the required time.
Q: How to adjust the station's units to requirements in countries where various temperature units are applicable (for example, Celsius degrees and Fahrenheits)?
A: The whole station has to be configured with a consistent units standard (for example, compliant with the standard applicable in the station's engineer country); however, displayed units can be set individually for the WorkPlace software or the browser's view:
1. For each individual user of the station ('Station->Services→UserService→User'), change the user's 'Facets' according to preferences, switch to the Metric (C degrees) or English (Fahrenheits) value; this setting allows to properly convert units if the Internet browser logs in.
2. For the WorkPlace software, set the conversion according to a given location: go to the 'Tools->Options->General→UnitConversion' and set the Metric (C degrees) or English (Fahrenheits) value; the set conversion is active whenever the WorkPlace logs in, regardlessly of the user's individual preference.
Q: The BACnet points configuration has been set in the Niagara station ('LocalDevice→ExportTable'), but the remote device can only read values. Why does overwriting values return the 'Property:Write Access Denied' error?
A: The error is caused by no access to overwriting the network point. In such case it is recommended to check a proper configuration:
1. Check if the 'Type' slot has been configured to allow overwriting (the value has to include the "Prioritized' word, for example, 'Bacnet Analog Value Prioritized Descriptor'). Also, check if overwriting a value with a given priority is allowed.
2. Check if the user is authorized to the BACnet network (the 'NetworkUser' slot is set to true) and to the network points of the station ('Roles' are correctly configured).
Q: After logging in to the station with the Internet browser, the 'HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /ord. Reason: Server Error' error is displayed. Why?
A: This error is caused by missing 'UX' and 'WB' options on the list of runtime profiles ('Enabled Runtime Profiles'). To enable them, right-click the platform, and go to the 'Commissioning Wizard'. In the creator, go only through the 'Set enabled runtime profiles' step, and enable the 'UX' and 'WB' options. Also, this problem can be caused by too little RAM memory assigned to servicing the station in the 'nre.properties' file, which is outlined in details in the Nre.properties – opis pliku i jego konfiguracja article.
Q: After logging in to the station with the Internet browser, the blank window is displayed with the 'Java Plug-in is not supported by this browser. More info' message. Why?
A: Such situation may happen if the logging user has been assigned one of available 'Wb Web Profiles' as the 'Default Web Profile', and the used Internet browser does not support the NPAPI standard (JAVA applets technology). In this case, it is recommended to use another Internet browser (e.g., 'NiagaraWebLaucher') or change the user's profile to one of available 'Hx Profiles'.
Q: The HMI panel with HDMI interface connected to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller displays PX views with changed fonts (as opposed to a regular Internet browser and the WorkPlace software). Why?
A: The Internet browser and the WorkPlace software display fonts installed locally on the PC. In order to display PX views on the HMI panel with HDMI interface in the same manner, it is required to transfer the fonts used in the PX views to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller. The procedure of transferring fonts is described in details in the User Fonts - Uploading article.
Q: Why the commissioning of the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller cannot be processed using the 'Niagara Centraline NX'?
A: The 'Niagara Centraline NX' has to be substituted with the Niagara 'Vykon Workbench N4', which is available at: https://support.ismacontrolli.com/
Q: Why does the 'Application Director' log show that the license has not been loaded and the application has not been started, although there is an option to connect with the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller's platform?
A: Open the 'Platform Administration' in the platform, and click the 'Change Data/Time' button. In the pop-up window, next to the 'Set System Data/Time' option, set 'Use Local', and then click 'Save'.
Q: Why can only one Niagara version be working on the PC at a time?
A: Each time the Niagara version is changed, install a respective 'Platform Deamon'. It is located in the 'Start → Vykon → Niagara → Install Platform Deamon'. The commissioning process is finished with closing of the installer window.
Q: What maximum number of iSMA-B modules can be connected to the iSMA-B-MAC36NL controller with RS485?
A: The version with one RS485 interface accepts up to 128 iSMA-B devices. The iSMA-B-MAC36NL-RS version accepts up to 256 devices as it has 2 RS485 ports.
Q: What is the oldest Niagara version which cooperates with iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
A: The oldest Niagara version that cooperates with iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers is
Q: Can devices operating with the CAN protocol be connected to iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers, and are they supported within the license?
A: There is such a possibility, although iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers do not have the CAN protocol implemented. In such case, it is required to use the 'CAN over IP / CAN' gateway. Not all devices delivered by third parties may operate properly as it depends on their required license compounds.
Q: Do iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers support the DALI protocol?
A: iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers do not support the DALI protocol. In order to work with the DALI protocol, it is required to use the iSMA-B-AAC20-D or iSMA-B-2D1B controllers.
Q: Can KNX devices be integrated with iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers?
A: Yes, it is possible with IP. It is required to use the 'knxnetip' JAR module, which is available at www.niagara-community.com
Q: Can iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers have an RS232 extension?
A: Currently, iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers do not support such extension and it is not planned to be implemented.
Q: How long can iSMA-B-MAC36NL controllers support time synchronization after power supply loss?
A: About 20 days.
Q: It is possible to open external software with the Niagara N4 Workbench?
A: Niagara does not support external software such as spreadsheets or PDF files. The AX supported opening an external application, however, in N4 this functionality has been removed due to security reasons.
Q: Why the station cannot be saved during editing if using the Niagara N4 Workbench?
A: It is required to close the Niagara N4 Workbench, reinstall the 'Platform Daemon', and reopen the Niagara N4 Workbench.
Q: What to do if one of Networks is not opening and the error code shows 'Missing module 'b' on local workbench machine.'?
A: The error is triggered if the Niagara's N4 version is more recent in the controller than in the Workbench, for example, the N4.9 is installed in the controller, and the Workbench's version is N4.8. It is required then to install the N4.9 version of the 'Niagara Platform Daemon' and open a proper version of the Niagara Workbench.
Q: What does it mean and what to do if the station does not start on Supervisor, and the log says "Cannot load module = nameOfModule"?
A: It means that the module that was used in the station does not exist in the 'modules' folder of a given Niagara N4 version. User needs to download and paste the module's JAR file to the 'modules' folder and then reopen Niagara Workbench and run the station.
Q: What does it mean and what to do if the station does not start on the controller and the log says "Cannot load module = nameOfModule"?
A: It means that the module that was used in the station has not been installed in the controller. User needs to go to the 'Software Manager' and install the missing module on the controller, then restart the station.
Q: How many maximum characters can a history variable name have?
A: The Niagara N4 limitation for the quantity of the historical variable is 44 characters. From Niagara N4.12 it will be 200 characters.
Q: Does iSMA-B-MAC36NL supports PNP or NPN sensors on universal inputs?
A: MAC36NL do not support the PNP or NPN on inputs. Suggested subsitute to use are the Sfar modules, e.g. Sfar-S-16DI or SFAR-1M-4DI.
Q: Is it possible to connect devices via RS485 to Niagara Supervisor?
A: In Niagara N4, it is not possible to directly connect devices via RS485 to the supervisor, not even via an adapter. In this case, it's recommend to use an iSMA module as a gateway.
Q: Are the fast digital inputs counters values saved in internal EEPROM memory of MAC36NL, the same as in I/O modules?
A: Fast digital inputs counters values of MAC36NL controller are saved in SD card instead of its internal EEPROM. It makes possible of easy moving all data between hardware. New values are saved in SD card every over dozen seconds, and it is independent of station saving.