I/O Modules - iSMA Configurator - BACnet MS/TP - Automatic device search
The following article describes how to automatically search for multiprotocol I/O modules in iSMA Configurator using BACnet MS/TP protocol. Before starting the search, prepare a PC with a Windows operating system, a USB - RS485 converter and download iSMA_Configurator from https://support.ismacontrolli.com/iSMA-Configurator/.
1. Configuration of the connection
First, open iSMA Configurator (you do not need to install it as it is of ‘portable’ type). In the side navigation bar, there is a list of supported protocols, after right-clicking on ‘BACnet MSTP’ a drop-down list will appear. The ‘Configure Connection’ option allows for configuration the ‘BACnet IP’ communication parameters. In the pop-up window in the ‘Port’ tab, select the number of the COM port to which the USB-RS485 converter is connected. The baud rate must be the same for all devices in the network. Additionally, iSMA Configurator must be set a unique ‘Software BacnetID’.
Picture 1. ‘Configure Connection’ pop-up window.
Warning! Before starting the searching process, BACnet IP transmissions should be stopped, if it was previously enabled.
2. The search process
After configuring the connection string, you can start the search process. First, start the communication by right-clicking on ‘BACnet MSTP’ and selecting ‘Start BACnet MSTP Transmission’. Then select the ‘Discover BACnet MSTP Devices’ option, a pop-up window will appear as shown in the picture below, which you must confirm by clicking the ‘Ok’ button.
Picture 2. ‘Discover devices’ pop-up window.
The next window allows for entering the ‘Timeout’ value in seconds, in case of lower communication speeds it may be required to increase it. After confirming it with the ‘Ok’ button, the search process will start, as indicated by a pop-up window with a progress bar. After completing the process, the program informs the user about the number of devices found.
Picture 3. ‘Finished’ pop-up window.
iSMA Configurator program searches for all 'BACnet' devices in the network. List of multiprotocol I/O modules will appear in the device tree under 'BACnet MSTP' with the appropriate name, e.g. 'MIX38', unrecognized devices will contain the word 'Unknown' in the name field.
Picture 4. The search result.