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Alarm Boolean Points

The Boolean alarm extension can be added only in the NVBooleanWritable components. To add the extension, choose the Change Of State option in the alarm slot, and an alarm extension will be created automatically under the NV component.

Alarm Boolean extension in the Property Sheet view

The alarm extension has the following slots:

  • Alarm Inhibit: allows to enable or disable the alarm function;

  • Source Name: allows to set the alarm name in the alarms database;

  • Alarm Class: allows to set the alarm class and priority definition;

    • Available options: Live Safety (priority 15), Critical (priority 75), Maintenance (priority 155);

  • Alarm Priority: shows the alarm priority number defined in the alarm class slot (default value is 255);

  • To Off Normal Nanos: shows the time point of an alarm condition;

  • To Normal Nanos: shows the time point of a normal condition;

  • Alarm State: shows the actual alarm state;

  • Alarm Value: allows to set an alarm generation value;

  • To Offnormal Text: allows the enter a description in alarm state;

  • To Normal Text: allows the enter a description in normal state.

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