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Property Sheet

A Property Sheet is a tabular view listing all of the selected component’s slots, its inferior components, and their slots. The Property Sheet provides information about slots’ names, their current values, units, and ranges .

The Property Sheet view allows to select only one component at a time to perform basic functions such as copying, duplicating, and removing.

Each component in the Property Sheet view is displayed in an expandable tree structure. Slots, which values can be edited, are highlighted with a lighter background.

The Property Sheet view

Saving in Property Sheet View

There are two modes of saving edited values–manual and automatic. Modes are switched with a binary key, located in the upper left corner of the Property Sheet view.

Autosave key

If the key is switched to On, the automatic saving mode is enabled. Each edited value is directly saved to the controller.

If the key is switched to Off, the manual saving mode is enabled. Each edited value has its font color changed to blue and it needs to be saved manually with a Save key displayed at the bottom of the Property Sheet tab. Alternatively, the edited value may be saved by confirming it with the Enter key. Only after the edited values are saved manually, they are sent to the controller.

Manual saving mode

The iSMA Tool warns the user of unsaved values in the manual saving mode if the user is trying to close the Property Sheet tab, disconnect a device, or close the program (see the figure below).

The manual saving alert
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