Using LLC
In order to use the LLC mechanism, the iSMA Configurator software is required (versions from 2.2). To start using the LLC, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Set the 8th section in the CFG DIP switch of the iSMA-B-2D device to on.
Step 2: Start the iSMA Configurator software and connect the iSMA-B-2D device to configure the LLC mechanism on.
Step 3: Go to the Lighting 1 and Lighting 2 tabs, and check if the Lighting Mode is set to LLC Mode. If not, check if the 8th section in the CFG DIP switch is in on position.
Step 4: Discover DALI ballasts.
Step 5: Go to the LLC tab:
- Set the LLC Zone Count field to 1 or 2, depending on the number of zones that should be controlled separately;
- Set the desired setpoint value for each zone;
- In case of using 2 DALI buses with 1 light level sensor (1 zone with two sub-zones), set the control offset value for sub-zone.
Step 6: Go to the PIR sensor tab:
- Set the PIR sensor type (NO, NC);
- Set the PIR Dimm Time and PIR Dimm Level for using the auto-dimming feature; leave 0 if the feature is not to be used.
Step 7: Go to the LUX Sensors tab:
- Set the light level sensor type compliant with the sensor output (e.g., 0-10 V);
- Set the light level sensors parameters (minimum and maximum lux values);
- Connect the sensor(s) and check the read lux values.
Step 8: The LLC mechanism is configured and ready to be used.