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AAC20 - BACnet - BACnet COV considerations in AAC20 controller


The Change of Value (COV) increment setting is crucial for efficient network communication in building automation systems, particularly when using BACnet protocol. The issue discussed involves adjusting the COV increment on AAC20 controllers.

Good Practice

When needing to adjust the BACnet COV increment values in AAC20 controllers, it is essential to understand the limitations and capabilities based on the object type and network configuration. Here are the best practices:

  1. Verify Object Type and Network: COV settings can only be adjusted in certain types of objects. In AAC20 controllers, the COV increment can be changed in BACnet objects that are part of RemoteIP and RemoteMSTP client networks. We can only send the configuration to the BACnet writable type on the change of the point on our local device. It is crucial to first identify the type of object and the network it belongs to.

  2. Setting COV in Supported Objects: If you are working with AV and BV objects in RemoteIP and RemoteMSTP networks, use the 'Write Type' slot to change the COV increment value.


    WriteType in BACnet RemoteIpNetwork

  3. Understanding Limitations: It's important to recognize that COV increments cannot be adjusted in all scenarios. Objects in LocalDevice network currently do not support COV adjustments - so AAC20 can’t provide COV functionality as a server. In these cases, focus on optimizing other aspects of network communication, such as Tuning Policies.

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