BACnet Object Discover
The BACnet Object Discover view allows to automatically discover points available in the devices added to the BACnet network.

BACnet Object Discover
The BACnet Object Discover view is available for the Device component in the BACnet network (upon double-click on the component).
Once opened for the selected device, the view allows to initiate the discovery action, with the Discover button. All points discovered for the device are listed with the following information in five columns:
Name: shows the discovered point’s name;
ObjectType: shows the BACnet object type of the point;
ObjectID: shows the object ID of the point;
Value: shows a current value of the point;
Description: shows an additional description.
First, grayed out row shows information about the device the points are discovered for.
Discovered points can be easily added to the Device component. Select the points on the list and click the Add button.

Adding points
The added points will be listed under the Device component in the Workspace Tree.

Added points