BACnet Device Discover
The BACnet Device Discover view allows to automatically discover devices available in the BACnet IP or BACnet MS/TP network.

The BACnet Device Discover view
The BACnet Device Discover view is available for the Network component (upon double-click on the component).
It is structured with two windows, lower window which allows to set the discover parameters and initiate the discovering action (the Discover button). Next to the Discover button, there is a progress bar, which indicates how advanced is the discovering action.
The upper part of the view shows a list of discovered devices. It displays the following information in five columns:
DeviceName: shows the discovered device’s name;
DeviceID: shows the device ID number provided by the BACnet organization to the vendor;
Address: shows the MAC address attributed to the device;
Vendor: shows the name of the device’s vendor;
Model: shows the device’s product code.
Discovered devices can be easily added to the Network component. Select the devices on the list and click the Add button.

Adding discovered devices
The added devices will be listed under the Network component in the Workspace Tree.

Added device
To add the device’s points, proceed to the BACnet Object Discover view.